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Life: Graduation and Life After

It’s that time of year again… when we say our goodbyes to our friends, where we plan to hang out everyday for the summer and when we get to have fun!

I’ve taken part in three graduations (elementary, highschool and college) and I’ve always thought about the time I spent at my schools and the people that I’ve been friends with. I’m always itching to finish school and get it over and done with, now it’s done and you get to reflect on your life.

I haven’t had that much regrets but I have minor regrets. I definitely like my life now than before! Both my brother and sister have graduated from their school and it’s brought up old memories.

I’m now officially an adult lol. I work a 9-5 and go to work five days a week, I’m using my diploma for my job. I’m essentially living life as a young professional. I only thing I’m missing in my life is more travelling, but I have a lot of time to do that!

How are your feelings about graduation? Share your stories in the comment section below! Check out the video below! It always bring me memories!

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