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My Experience at Chocolate Tales making Chocolate!
Hey Girlies, So it’s been a long week for me and I finally get to look forward to the weekend! So last weekend I went to a Chocolate...
My Steam Whistle Oktoberfest Experience
Hey Girlies! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been blogging lately! A lot of things have been going on in my life, but they are good things so...
Hold Me in Contempt Book Review
Hey Girlies, Happy mid-week! So a little while back I read “Hold me in contempt” by Wendy Williams. I used to be a big follower in her...
Book Review: The S.E.C.R.E.T Series Review
Hey Girlies, Once I got done reading the Fifty Shades of Grey books, I needed my next fix lol. So the book that was recommended in my...
Fun with Paint @ the Paintlounge!
Hey Girlies, So over the weekend before I got sick I had an opportunity to go to the Paintlounge and paint! Painting is not my forte, but...
Your Best Gal: Fifty Shades of Grey, Darker & Freed Book Review
Hey Girlies, So I have been on a reading binge lately and I can’t stop. I read for at last three to fours a night! Once I saw the Fifty...
Life: My NatureBox has finally come to Canada!
Hey girlies, I was at work, minding my own business when the mailman came to deliver the mail. All he had were bills in his hand, as he...
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